Two nights ago I did not want to go bust out legs and cardio, let alone get up from cuddling with my puppy and watching American Idol.. I made it, though, because there isn’t an option to NOT go at this point. After legs I told myself, ‘ok, at least do 10 minutes of cardio’. Well 10 minutes hit and I was in the middle of a Rise Against song, so it was ok-til the end of the song. That was at 12 minutes, and well, that random number just doesn’t jive with my time divvying, so 15 minutes it was. Not a lot of cardio time when you take it as a whole, but 150% more than I first intended on doing! Tack on some hanging leg raises afterward that I had no intention of doing, and voolah, I felt much better about myself.
Move onto last night, when I saw an old ‘gym friend’ (you know, the people that are always there the same time as you, you start nodding, maybe occasionally smiling in recognition at). This one actually started talking to Forrest and I this winter when I was trying to bulk up and is a really cool guy. Anyway, he’d been MIA the last couple weeks cuz of school. It absolutely made my day when he came over after I was supersetting some wide bent over barbell rows and barbell curls, and said, ‘You know I’m not hitting on you, I know you have a boyfriend. But you look really good!!’ That’s all it took to put a lil bounce in my step on my way up the stairs to the stepmill, especially coming from someone who has seen my progress.
So if you ever notice anyone who is busting their bum, or you can tell has made improvements, TELL THEM! That little comment is all it takes sometimes to make their motivation go from ehhhh to HECK YEAHHH!!! J
so so true. YOU LOOK AMAZING! but you already know that i think this.... so proud of you sis! :]]