Thursday, January 27, 2011


You may have noticed, if you’ve ever dieted or even just tried to eat healthy, that veggies are a critical part of the meal plan.  They help fill you up with a low amount of calories, provide you with fiber, vitamins, yadda yadda yadda.  I’ve come to love the lil green buggers tons and tons, mostly for the full feeling they provide without the guilt of having to write down lots of calories in my diet journal (which btw says “I will lose weight this time!” on the cover.. cracks me up several times a day.)  Anyway, the last week before my show last September, is was pretty much strict tilapia and green beans (with about a case of sugar free jello (I love you cherry!!).. I should’ve become a spokesperson for them) I did not touch a green bean up until about a month ago because I got so incredibly sick of them during my show prep.  So I started giving myself pep talks to prepare for all of the green beans I was about to have to consume during my 12 weeks dieting this time, when LO’ and BEHOLD, I found an amazing and oh so delicious alternative, by accident!!  Albertson’s has their steamer bags of veggies 10/$10, which are so convenient and fabulous -  I go through one a day at least.  I loaded up on some broc and a mixed veggie one to blend with it for flavor (delicious, btw, it has onions, red peppers, and squash in it, which means a bit higher carbs, but not too bad).  I then proceeded to get some green beans (you can do it, Heather!!) and headed home with my overflowing bags of veggies and oatmeal boxes (5/$5, sugar free and flavored.. really Alby’s?? I’ve never been more of a fan of you than now.)  I didn’t even notice when I fixed my bags and put them in a container, and proceeded to stab the timer part of the microwave with a knife while cutting open one of the bags (microwave still works, it’s just a mystery how long you have left while reheating your dinner), but realized while eating my lunch at work, that they were not green beans, but rather SUGAR SNAP PEAS!!!  I instantly’ed them, and I am so excited to say that have just about the same nutritional profile as green beans!!  So, although I thank you for all that you did for me in the past, green beans, you have officially been replaced by marvelous, oh so crunchy and delicious, sugar snap peas.
1 cup of sugar snap peas (thank you
Nutrition Facts
Calories 67(281 kJ)
Total Fat0.3g  
Sat. Fat0.1g  
Total Carbs.11.4g
Dietary Fiber4.5g

On a side note, weight this morning was 142.2, and when I was trying to be the hulk last night and flex for Forrest, I’m pretty sure I saw 2/3 of a 6 pack protruding… yippee!!  I’m hitting it harder and harder this week, including squatting with Forrest last night so he could spot me.  Gotta build those legs!!  I’m also experimenting with a super low carb day today…so far, so good.  I mean, good enough that I was just inspired to blog about peas, for cryin out loud.  I’m pretty much doing it just to see if I notice anything change.  Why, down 2% bodyfat in one day??  Yes please!!  Just kidding.  But I’m all about experimenting for the sake of those possibilities. J         

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